Centos iso virtualbox
Centos iso virtualbox

centos iso virtualbox centos iso virtualbox

We create a new virtual machine by clicking on the new item. In case you use Ubuntu 17.04 or 17.10 as your host system you can find an excellent installation guide here. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.The example is based on Virtual Box 5.2. To find more information about the Guest Additions, visit the official VirtualBox Guest Additions Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions improves the performance of the virtual machine and enhances its usability. You can now enable Shared clipboard and Drag’n Drop support from the virtual machine settings “Storage” tab, enable 3D acceleration from the “Display” tab, create Shared folders, and more. You have installed VirtualBox Guest Additions on your CentOS guest machine. If the command doesn’t return any output, it means that the VirtualBox kernel module is not loaded. The output will look something like this: vboxguest 348160 2 vboxsf Once the virtual machine is booted, log into it and verify that the installation was successful and the kernel module is loaded using the lsmod Reboot the CentOS guest for changes to take effect: sudo shutdown -r now Uncompressing VirtualBox 6.0.16 Guest Additions for Linux.

centos iso virtualbox

The output will look like below: Verifying archive integrity. The -nox11 option tells the installer not to spawn an xterm window. To the newly created directory and execute the n script to start the installation of the Guest Additions: cd /mnt/cdrom sudo sh. , and mount the ISO file: sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom Open the CentOS guest terminal, create a new directory Go to the “Storage” tab and add a new CD-ROM device by clicking on the plus sign (Adds optical device). If you get an error saying the guest system has no CD-ROM, stop the virtual machine, open the machine settings.

Centos iso virtualbox